
 Now I See

Her daddy told her she only wanted glasses so she would look smart. Perhaps this was true. A person is judged first on physical appearance. Glasses would allow her to see things with a clearer focus, but most importantly would allow others to see her in a new light. Glasses were her vision to the outside world, and glasses would be other’s vision of the type of person she always wanted to be– smart, intelligent, bright. What was missing?

 She loves to read and write. Good books made for good words, good discussions. Writing is her passion. Nothing was better than a good quote. Scratch that down and save it for later. See it. Write it. What was there to contemplate? What was missing?

 Pondering. Thinking. Reasoning. Ah hah! People are deeper than the outward appearance. Reading stretches beyond the surface of the book. Writing goes farther than words forming a sentence. True beauty, true knowledge, true writing comes from seeing beyond the surface. Seeing beyond the surface of physical characteristics, beyond book covers, beyond words written. Sight is not having the ability to see what is already there, but seeing into the deeper meaning that is often lost in transition.

For before she could understand, she must open her eyes to what lay beyond the surface. True vision looks farther than face value. Look Deeper! Deeper! Into the heart, into the meaning of life and literature and all things good. She finds it! Finally!

Her daddy told her she only wanted glasses so she would look smart. Her daddy was right, and she got the glasses. And while once she was blind, now she sees.

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